
My Emacs config

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

My Emacs settings

This is my ever changing set of Emacs configuration


Emacs version 27 or higher is required to ensure all features are working properly

Simply clone this repository to ~~/.emacs.d~

git clone https://github.com/TheBlob42/.emacs.d.git


The following fonts are used to configure the emacs GUI application:

  • Source Code Pro (default, monospaced)
  • Alegreya Sans (variable spaced)
  • Noto Sans (fallback)

Additional dependencies

For some features it is required to install additional dependencies

The silver searcher

For file searching I prefer to use The Silver Searcher.

Language Servers

For lsp-mode to work you need the required language servers. Some will be installed automatically when you first visit a file of the specific type (e.g. Java) others need to be installed manually (e.g. Rust).

Check here to see which languages are supported and how to install the required language servers for them.

JSON schema validation

If you want to use the custom function for JSON schema validation (SPC m v in json-mode) you need to install a proper cli tool, make it available in your PATH and put the corresponding command with placeholders in your config file (see config.sample for examples).

The following tools have been tested to work properly:

Markdown preview & export

To export and/or preview your markdown files to HTML or other formats you need to install pandoc


In order to use the system clipboard in the terminal version of Emacs install xclip

sudo apt install xclip


For easy usage on different machines certain options can be configured in /.emacs.d/config (see config.sample for an example file)

org-roam-dirDirectory for your org-roam files~/org-roamno
org-journal-dirDirectory for your org-journal files~/Documents/journal/no
dart-sdkPath to your Dart SDK-no
flutter-sdkPath to your Flutter SDK-no
catalina-pathPath to your local Tomcat folder, to start and debug your Tomcat from within Emacs-no
jsonschema-cmdCustom command with placeholders for JSON validation-no