
A minimal template for using the LÖVE game engine with Fennel and Neovim

Primary LanguageLua

Fennel + Love2D + Neovim

This template is based on the min-love2d-fennel repository with two differences:

  • get rid of everything that is not absolutely necessary to avoid any clutter
  • adapt the documentation for the usage with Neovim and Conjure (as this is what I use)

What you do need

love2d needs to be installed and available on PATH

What you do NOT need

  • you don't need Lua to be installed
  • you don't need LuaRocks to be installed
  • you don't need Fennel to be installed

Everything Lua related is handled by love2d

Usage with Neovim and Conjure


  • execute :lua vim.g['conjure#client#fennel#stdio#command'] = "love ." before opening the project
  • open game.fnl and love should start the game automatically


In order to hot reload changes made to the code use ConjureFnlEvalReload

The default keybinding is <localleader>eF


You can edit the game's state with ease from the REPL:

(set state.x 50)
(tset state :y 100)


  • love2d for making game development in Lua possible
  • min-love2d-fennel for the inspiration and especially for lib/stdio.fnl
  • The Conjure plugin for the awesome editing experience in Neovim