
A collection of different dockers that I use

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A collection of different dockers that I use. It is intended to be very user friendly so that even people who have no experience with docker can use them easily.

The Dockers:

All the dockers come with python3 which has pwntools and tqdm installed. They're based on ubuntu:jammy

-Sagemath: Contains an installation of the latest Sagemath stable release found on their Github.
-Flatter: Contains an installation of fplll from fplll/fplll and flatter from keeganryan/flatter.
-G6k: Contains an installation of fplll from fplll/fplll, fpylll from fplll/fpylll, and g6k (Generalised Sieve Kernel) from fplll/g6k.

How to use

Think of the docker container as a vm/ssh connection. Using the scripts you can login to the vm/make the ssh connection and you'll end up with a terminal shell in the container.

  • Open the desired docker folder
  • Run build.sh once to build the image from the Dockerfile
  • Use run.sh to start the container and stop.sh to stop it
  • start.sh can be used to start using the container, akin to logging into a vm.
  • You only need to use run.sh once and then you can enter and exit the container any number of times.
  • If you make any modification to the image by editing the Dockerfile then use build.sh to rebuild the image.

By default you'll be logged in as the noroot user. So any command you run will be run without root permissions. However using sudo will make the command run with root permissions without asking for any password. \

Any files you put in the code folder will be accessible inside the container in the same location.


-Docker: Official Website is https://www.docker.com/
-Sagemath: Official Website is https://www.sagemath.org/ which contains documentation as well
-g6k: Paper on eprint https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/089