- adamtache
- aistrych
- asbjornengeNorway
- ccdle12
- dandare76
- deltaworld@adobe
- dendisuhubdy@bitwyre
- dfoderickSkylake Software
- diop@alchemex-labs
- felipelalliNoksys
- gunarGunar LTD
- Hiand
- jedbridgesUnited States
- JediJuiceThe Desert
- jpantunesStork & Crow B.V.
- kiarafbickersUnited States
- lalmeidaRio de Janeiro
- luboremo
- marijnfs
- MethodiseMethodise
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- organicnzFounder of the Foodshare startup
- pseudozach
- rishi256
- ruyichangpoolin
- satroanCanada
- shanefontaine@hop-protocol
- stjordanisGreece
- tamez
- tgys
- theebuddylee
- tiero@ark-network @arklabshq @vulpemventures
- tynesop labs @ optimism
- UlpheusThe Wired
- yonderblue