Laszlo Fazekas (TheBojda)

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My name is László Fazekas, a computer systems engineer, applied mathematician, and compulsive writer. I typically pen articles on topics such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and brain-computer interfaces, but I also have a few hard sci-fi short stories to my name. I believe that humanity is a vast, densely interconnected network where everyone influences everyone else. The notion that history is written by a few impactful individuals is merely an illusion. Even the smallest action we take can have profound effects on the lives of others. A well-written article, a thought-provoking book, or simply a small act of kindness can have a tremendous impact on the world. Just do it! Do something cool today. This is my philosophy of life...

Some words about me:

  • 💻 Currently working as the CTO of Pressenger Ltd.
  • 📖 As a tech writer, most of my articles are published on Medium
  • 🤖 I am also a contributing writer of Hacker Noon
  • 🤓 Most of my articles are about blockchain and decentralization, deep learning and AI, technology and programming.

My ars poetica: "Every single small thing can have a huge impact. Just do it! Do something cool today…" (read my full article here)

You can also find all of my Medium articles on my GitHub page, and a backup of my older Hungarian blogs here and here.

For more info, read my articles on Medium or HackerNoon, or check my repos.

If you want to send me an email, my e-mail address is {my GitHub user name} at