
images for fork using tikz

Primary LanguageTeX


By David Ding(TheBoop) and Jerome Barbero(jbarb011)

Latex generated images for dupe, pipe, and forks. Including a very simple Legend. ###Legend Pic

###Single Fork Pic

###Multiple Forks Pic

###Dup In Pic

###Dup Out Pic

###Input Redirection Pic

###Output Redirection Pic

###Multiple Forks with Piping Pic

###Piping Pic

Compiling images

First make sure you have dvips, ps2pdf, latex and the full texlive set of packages installed. You can install them by running the command (This will take several minutes):

sudo apt-get install texlive-full

Then clone the repository using:

git clone https://github.com/TheBoop/ForkLatexImage.git

Then to create the pdf files run:

make all

The command will create two folders, bin and left_overs.

bin will contain the pdf files and left_overs will contain the log, aux, dvi, and ps files.

If you want png files you will need to do it manually with a combination of ImageMagick and Gimp.

To compile .pdf files to .png files run the commands:

cd bin
convert *.pdf *png