By David Ding(TheBoop) and Jerome Barbero(jbarb011)
Latex generated images for dupe, pipe, and forks. Including a very simple Legend. ###Legend
First make sure you have dvips, ps2pdf, latex and the full texlive set of packages installed. You can install them by running the command (This will take several minutes):
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
Then clone the repository using:
git clone
Then to create the pdf files run:
make all
The command will create two folders, bin and left_overs.
bin will contain the pdf files and left_overs will contain the log, aux, dvi, and ps files.
If you want png files you will need to do it manually with a combination of ImageMagick and Gimp.
To compile .pdf files to .png files run the commands:
cd bin
convert *.pdf *png