
Script that automatically setups a Let's Encrypt certificate for R1Soft, and handles renewal.

Here is what the script does :

  • Updates the following packages : nss nss-util nss-sysinit nss-tools wget curl ca-certificates openssl
  • Downloads Certbot (if not already done)
  • Creates a keystore for R1Soft cdp
  • Creates a Let's Encrypt certificate through Certbot
  • Imports the certificate into R1Soft keystore

Just wget the script, change execution rights and launch it :

wget -N https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amitsdalal/r1soft-letsencrypt-auto/master/SSLR1Soft.sh ; chmod +x SSLR1Soft.sh

You can add a cron every month to renew your certificate :

0 5 1 * * /root/SSLR1Soft.sh

You can also clone this git repo, and create a cron task to get the script updates :

mkdir -p /scripts/r1soft
cd !$
git clone https://github.com/amitsdalal/r1soft-letsencrypt-auto.git

0 5 1 * * /scripts/r1soft/r1soft-letsencrypt-auto/SSLR1Soft.sh
0 0 1 * * cd /scripts/r1soft/r1soft-letsencrypt-auto ; git pull

You just have to make sure your web ports are not filtered, and nothing is running on port 80 (or you'll have to stop it before launching the script).

-- Tested and created on CentOS 7 and CentOS 6.