
A simplified docker installation for ckan and usefull extensions

Primary LanguageDockerfile

How to use ckan-docker

First steps

git clone https://github.com/TheCabbageBaggage/ckan-docker.git
git clone git@github.com:TheCabbageBaggage/ckan-docker.git

To use your configuartions copy your production.ini and env file into the newly created folder, or modify the existing ones. After starting ckan-docker with

docker-compose up

you have to run run

docker exec ckan /usr/local/bin/ckan-paster --plugin=ckan datastore set-permissions -c /etc/ckan/production.ini | docker exec -i db psql -U ckan

to set all necessary permissions. After this step you can add a superuser with:

docker exec -it ckan /usr/local/bin/ckan-paster --plugin=ckan sysadmin -c /etc/ckan/production.ini add johndoe

Defining the enviroment variables

The volume names slightly differ from the original ones.

# Find the path to a named volume
docker volume inspect ckandocker_ckan_home | jq -c '.[] | .Mountpoint'
# "/var/lib/docker/volumes/docker_ckan_config/_data"

export VOL_CKAN_HOME=`docker volume inspect ckandocker_ckan_home | jq -r -c '.[] | .Mountpoint'`

export VOL_CKAN_CONFIG=`docker volume inspect ckandocker_ckan_home | jq -r -c '.[] | .Mountpoint'`

export VOL_CKAN_STORAGE=`docker volume inspect ckandocker_ckan_storage | jq -r -c '.[] | .Mountpoint'`


  • Setting permissions during set uo
  • adding a superuser during the initialisation -> userdata in external file



postgis is complaining that a role postgres is not existing, even if no user is using this role. Despite that CKAN works fine.

UTC [58] FATAL:  role "postgres" does not exist

Creating a Public Dataset with a DOI

When creating a public dataset with an DOI this will lead to an internal server error. The ckan doi extension runs into the follwing error.

file "/usr/lib/ckan/venv/src/ckanext-doi/ckanext/doi/lib.py", line 160, in build_metadata
ckan          |     if pkg_dict['license_id'] != 'notspecified':
ckan          | KeyError: 'license_id'

This documentation is based on Installing CKAN with Docker Compose