
GHCR Pulls Badge JSON Endpoint

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

ghcr.io pulls

JSON Endpoint for GHCR Badges

Makes the pull count badge possible for these ghcr.io packages and tags:

linuxserver/docker-mods/mods/radarr-striptracks linuxserver/docker-mods/mods/lidarr-flac2mp3

Custom Badges

The badge above are from shields.io and use these parameters:




You can show either a pretty value like 12K or the raw number like 12345.

Pretty Count
$[?(@.owner=="<USER>" && @.repo=="<REPO>" && @.image=="<IMAGE>" && @.tag=="<TAG>")].pulls
Raw Count
$[?(@.owner=="<USER>" && @.repo=="<REPO>" && @.image=="<IMAGE>" && @.tag=="<TAG>")].raw_pulls