Hi and welcome to my Github!👨🏻‍💻

#mft, #development, #datasecurity, #cybersecurity, #penetrationtesting

🚀 About Me

Hi there! My name is Mike and I am a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a strong interest in cyber security and data security.

I have always been drawn to the field of cyber security because of its ever-evolving nature and the constant need for learning and knowledge-gaining. I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices in the field, and I am constantly seeking out opportunities to expand my skillset and deepen my understanding of the field.

In addition to my professional interests, I am also an avid learner in my personal life. I love to read and educate myself on a wide variety of subjects, and I am always seeking out new challenges and experiences that will help me grow and develop as a person.

🛠 Skills

Java | 5 years of experience, enterprise, network, database, scientific, and mathematical.
php | 5 years of experience, dynamic web development, database, backend.
C++ | 3 years of experience, database, software, storage, applocation development
Javascript | 7 years of experience, AI, VR, front-end, back-end
html/css | 7 years of experience, front-end, design, responsive, bootstrap
python | 4 years of experience, scientific, mathematical, django, database

🖥 Tech Stack


🔗 Links

portfolio linkedin twitter
