
Card game homework for Company

Primary LanguageC#


Provide a set of code on how you would design a
detail version of the classic card game of war

The OutCome

  • Inputs: This program does not ask use for any input.
  • Output: The winner of War card game.


  • Each player gets half a shuffled deck of cards
  • Aces are higher than Kings
  • Players flip one card at a time, highest card wins
  • If flipped cards are same value, a War is declared
  • War is played until a player wins all cards on table
  • The first player to run out of cards loses.

Objects needed for the game

  • Card
  • Deck
  • Player
  • Game (Also known as Program.cs)

A playing card

FaceName: Ace of Spade
FaceValue: =14
Suit: ♠
CardImg: Unicode ♠


Created a int of value and suit
if or switch to append Value to rank


I created a string call name 
and and a queue of Decks.


    To model the game we create two players
    and a deck of cards.


To get a representation of playing
cards. I created a queue to hold a multiple 
decks of cards and created a Enqueue method
to place multiple cards in each stop in the queue.

When it came to shuffling the cards
I found out C# doesn't have a Shuffle method.
Unlike C#. So I use the Fisher-Yates Methods.