
Navigating the ext2-fs data-structures

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Navigating the ext-fs data-structures.

  1. Introduction 
This project aims to prepare a basic program capable of navigating the ext-fs
filesystem with the knowledge of its internal data-structures.

The headers are borrowed from project ext2reader.

  2. Building
- Build binary (ext-shell).
$ make

- Delete all generated files.
$ make clean

  3. Running
3.1 Running ext-shell
3.2 Supported cmds

  3.1 Running ext-shell
$ ./ext-shell <ext-file.img>

Ext-shell is an interactive shell to handle ext filesystems. The above command
 loads the img file in RD_ONLY mode. It will parse the superblock and
 inode-table and print basic info about the filesystem contained in the img
 file. It then displays the ext-shell prompt and waits for user input.

  3.2 Supported cmds
The following is a list of cmds support by the ext-shell. These can be typed in
at the ext-shell prompt to performs the corresponding functions.

    ls  		- list contents of the present directory.
			  Default ext-shell starts with '/' i.e. root of img.

    cd <dirname> 	- switch to directory 'dirname'

    cp <filename>	- copy file 'filename' onto the host system.

    q			- quit ext-shell

NOTE: The current version supports single-level dirname and filename i.e. to
 access a file/directory one must cd into it one level at a time. cp can be
 performed only on the files contained in the present directory.

  4. References
- Reference material in references directory, copyright of respective owners.

  5. Version History
- Unified interactive-shell binary 'ext-shell'
- supported cmds: ls cd cp q

- ext.c to parse and list directory structure.
  Syntax: ./ext <img-file> [inode-num]
- cp.c to copy the contents of file out of the img file.
  Syntax: ./cp <img-file> <src-inode-num> <dst-filename>