Pinned issues
Secondary BootsFaces Showcase:
#1128 opened by stephanrauh
- 8
Documentation is not reachable
#1202 opened by simonnagl - 0
- 0
Colorpicker icon is missing
#1200 opened by stephanrauh - 6
The links are broken in Showcase
#1161 opened by gdiazs - 5
Documentation on the Main Site is Broken
#1154 opened by mfreeman-xtivia - 4
showcase - links broken
#1150 opened by vsvetoslavov - 1
dateTimePicker's enabledDates is not working
#1190 opened by jake1393 - 1
- 4
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
add support for 'optgroup' on selects
#1158 opened by geopossachs - 9
JSF1091: No mime type could be found for file null. To resolve this, add a mime-type mapping to the applications web.xml.
#1155 opened by abraham1980 - 1
Setting custom-option for datatable column breaks rendering, if table is empty
#1153 opened by sebsoftware - 5
Two datetimepicker with minDate
#1151 opened by bvedrenne - 1
- 5
<b:selectOneMenu> select2="true" ignores contentDisabled
#1143 opened by flo-png - 1
- 1
Help request - CKeditor from primefaces-extensions does not load with Bootsfaces
#1157 opened by hampelratte - 2
Discussion: going well with tests
#1184 opened by flange-ipb - 15
Jakarta EE9 - JSF 3 support
#1187 opened by DavidBaddeley - 19
1.6 Release, Joinfaces and Jakarta
#1189 opened by t-oster - 3
SelectOneMenuRenderer throws "Could not match a select item for submittedOptionValue"
#1197 opened by peter-cpx - 3
- 7
Performance improvement with reflection In AJAXRenderer
#1195 opened by igieon - 3
Support JakartaEE 9
#1180 opened by stephanrauh - 2
the example page appears to be broken
#1170 opened by jmccay-work - 1
JAVA 17 Support
#1181 opened by frankyhoffmann - 3
RES_NOT_FOUND on TomEE 8.0.8
#1175 opened by macbl - 1
Your website appears to be down
#1171 opened by jmccay-work - 2
All side bar links are sending to a 404 pages
#1168 opened by rodrigovidalxc - 3
Warning when passing a value in a custom facelets tag
#1159 opened by Piotr-K8i - 19
- 10
SelectOneMenuRenderer doesn't work with a Converter
#1165 opened by exabrial - 2
dateTimePicker rises ClassNotFoundException for org.owasp.html.HtmlPolicyBuilder (Tomee 8.0.1)
#1163 opened by macbl - 2
- 1
auto-update fails inside a rendered="false" section
#1156 opened by sebsoftware - 1
New dependency to owasp-java-html-sanatizer
#1144 opened by sebsoftware - 3
Blank documentation pages
#1139 opened by OleHusgaard - 5
Cross Origin Resource Sharing Error with DataTable
#1130 opened by christophenoel - 2
- 4
Carousel not working
#1131 opened by jorgesm15 - 5
DataTables CDN Alternative when developing locally
#1132 opened by geisonrodrigo - 6
BootsFaces website showcases not displayed
#1127 opened by Jakasha - 1
- 3
Bootsfaces showcase is returning a 502 bad gateway
#1125 opened by exabrial