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zend-phpdi-config acts as a bridge to configure a PSR-11 compatible PHP-DI container using service manager configuration. It can be used with Laminas and Mezzio starting from v6.0.0

This library uses autowiring technique, cache compilation and cache definitions as defined in PHP-DI.


Service Manager Configuration

To get a configured PSR-11 PHP-DI container, do the following:


use Elie\PHPDI\Config\Config;
use Elie\PHPDI\Config\ContainerFactory;

$factory = new ContainerFactory();

$container = $factory(
    new Config([
        'dependencies' => [
            'services'   => [],
            'invokables' => [],
            'autowires'  => [], // A new key added to support PHP-DI autowire technique
            'factories'  => [],
            'aliases'    => [],
            'delegators' => [],
        // ... other configuration

        // Enable compilation
        Config::DI_CACHE_PATH => __DIR__, // Folder path

        // Write proxies to file : cf. https://php-di.org/doc/lazy-injection.html
        Config::DI_PROXY_PATH => __DIR__, // Folder path

        // Disable autowire (enabled by default)
        Config::USE_AUTOWIRE => false

        // Enable cache
        Config::ENABLE_CACHE_DEFINITION => false, // boolean, true if APCu is activated

The dependencies sub associative array can contain the following keys:

  • services: an associative array that maps a key to a specific service instance or service name.
  • invokables: an associative array that map a key to a constructor-less service; i.e., for services that do not require arguments to the constructor. The key and service name usually are the same; if they are not, the key is treated as an alias. It could also be an array of services.
  • autowires: an array of service with or without a constructor; PHP-DI offers an autowire technique that will scan the code and see what are the parameters needed in the constructors. Any aliases needed should be created in the aliases configuration.
  • factories: an associative array that maps a service name to a factory class name, or any callable. Factory classes must be instantiable without arguments, and callable once instantiated (i.e., implement the __invoke() method).
  • aliases: an associative array that maps an alias to a service name (or another alias).
  • delegators: an associative array that maps service names to lists of delegator factory keys, see the Expressive delegators documentation for more details.

N.B.: The whole configuration -- unless dependencies -- is merged in a config key within the $container:

$config = $container->get('config');

CLI command to add a new autowire entry

Configuration image

The cli command add-autowires-entry creates the configuration file if it doesn't exist otherwise it adds the entry to the autowires key.

Example of adding ConsoleHelper to a config.php:

./vendor/bin/add-autowires-entry config.php "Laminas\\Stdlib\\ConsoleHelper"
[DONE] Changes written to config.php

Using with Expressive

Replace contents of config/container.php with the following:


declare(strict_types = 1);

use Elie\PHPDI\Config\Config;
use Elie\PHPDI\Config\ContainerFactory;

// Protect variables from global scope
return call_user_func(function () {

    $config = require __DIR__ . '/config.php';

    $factory = new ContainerFactory();

    // Container
    return $factory(new Config($config));

Example of a ConfigProvider class


class ConfigProvider

     * Returns the configuration array
    public function __invoke(): array
        return [
            'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies()

     * Returns the container dependencies
    public function getDependencies(): array
        return [
            'autowires' => [

Where UserManager depends on Mailer as follow:

class UserManager
    private $mailer;

    public function __construct(Mailer $mailer)
        $this->mailer = $mailer;

    public function register($email, $password)
        $this->mailer->mail($email, 'Hello and welcome!');

class Mailer
    public function mail($recipient, $content)

Switching back to another container

To switch back to another container is very easy:

  1. Create your factories with __invoke function
  2. Replace autowires key in ConfigProvider by factories key, then for each class name attach its correspondent factory.

PSR 11 and Interop\Container\ContainerInterface

V4.x supports as well Interop\Container\ContainerInterface

Migration guides