
PHP GD Image Library

Primary LanguagePHP

#MagicGraphic - PHP GD Image Library

##Current Features

  • Layers
    • Load Image From File
    • Load Image From URL
    • Load Solid/Transparent Color
    • Crop
    • Resize
      • Auto Resize by Width
      • Auto Resize by Height
      • Resize by Width and Height
    • X Offset
    • Y Offset
    • Anchor
      • Top Left
      • Top Middle
      • Top Right
      • Middle Left
      • Center
      • Middle Right
      • Bottom Left
      • Bottom Middle
      • Bottom Right
  • Image
    • Display Image on Screen
    • Save Image to File
    • Create Layers
    • Duplicate Layers
    • Crop
    • Resize

##Features To Come

  • Layers
    • Create Gradient
  • Filters
    • GrayScale
    • Auto Color Correct
    • Brightness
    • Contrast
    • Hue
    • Saturation
  • Blend Modes
    • Darken
      • Darken
      • Multiply
      • Color Burn
      • Linear Burn
    • Lighten
      • Lighten
      • Screen
      • Color Dodge
      • Linear Dodge (Add)
    • Contrast
      • Overlay
      • Soft Light
      • Hard Light
      • Vivid Light
      • Linear Light
      • Pin Light
      • Hard Mix
    • Inversion
      • Difference
      • Exclusion
    • Cancelation
      • Subtract
      • Divide
    • Component
      • Hue
      • Saturation
      • Color
      • Luminosity