
Primary LanguageTypeScript

ColorShop is used to manage and manipulate colors.


ColorShop can be used with node or a web browser. Usage of each are slightly different from one another.


With node require is used to include ColorShop like this:

const { color } = require('colorshop')
let red = color.red

Web Browser

With a web browser the script tag is used to include ColorShop.

When using a web browser, all calls are contained within the colorshop namespace and can be called like this:

<script src="/js/colorshop.min.js"></script>
  let red = colorshop.color.red


Manage, manipulate and export a single color. Adjust the color's lightness, darkness, hue, saturation and more.

Contains 141 preset colors

Create a color

// Create from a preset
let red = color.red

// Create from a hex color
let white = color.hex('#ffffff')

// Create from an rgb color
let blue      = color.rgb(0, 0, 255)
let blueAlpha = color.rgb(0, 0, 255, 0.5)

// Create from an hsl color
let yellow      = color.hsl(50, 100, 100)
let yellowAlpha = color.hsl(50, 100, 100, 0.25)

Manipulate a color

// Create a starting color
let red = color.red
// Invert the color and adjust the hue 90 degrees
let purple = red.invert().adjustHue(90)
console.log(purple.toHex()) // #7f00ff


Creates a gradient that can be looped over.

Create a gradient

Gradients can be created by calling a prebuilt gradient or by creating a custom one. Gradients are created with steps and by default each gradient is created with 1000 steps. This number can be adjusted by passing a number as one of the parameters; the more steps there are the more colors there will be between stops, and the less steps the less colors between stops.

// Creates a preset gradient (black-white)
let gradient = gradient.grayscale()

// Creates a gradient between two colors
// Uses the alpha channel of the color to create alpha
let redBlue = gradient.between(color.red, color.blue)

// Creates a custom gradient with alpha
// Leave out the alpha parameter for an alpha of 1
let custom = new gradient([
  { color: color.red,   offset: 0 },
  { color: color.green, offset: 0.5 },
  { color: color.blue,  offset: 1 }
], [
  { alpha: 1,   offset: 0 },
  { alpha: 0.5, offset: 0.25 },
  { alpha: 1,   offset: 0.5 },
  { alpha: 0.5, offset: 0.75 },
  { alpha: 1,   offset: 1 }

Evaluate gradient

A color can be selected from the gradient using evaluate with a number parameter between 1 and 0.

// Creates a gradient with the primary hues
let gradient = gradient.hue()
// Get the color at the halfway mark
let color = gradient.evaluate(0.5)
// Write the hex color to the console

Using a loop, multiple divs can be added to a page to display a gradient.

body > div {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 100px;
  width: calc(100vw / 500);
// Creates a gradient with the primary hues
let gradient = gradient.hue()
let str = ''
for (let i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
  let color = gradient.evaluate(i / 500)
  str += `<div style="background-color: ${color}"></div>`
document.body.innerHTML = str


Two colors can be blended together using one of 25 different blend modes.

// Blend two colors using screen
let color = blender.screen(color.red, color.blue)
// Log the results

Blend modes

  • normal
  • lighten
  • darken
  • multiply
  • average
  • add
  • subtract
  • difference
  • negation
  • screen
  • exclusion
  • overlay
  • softLight
  • hardLight
  • colorDodge
  • colorBurn
  • linearDodge
  • linearBurn
  • linearLight
  • vividLight
  • pinLight
  • hardMix
  • reflect
  • glow
  • phoenix