TCS Mission Framework

Mission framework made for TCS based on F3 which currently includes:

  • Compositions for: East, West and Independent sides.
  • Side-independent group markers that are only visible to their side. (Configurable)
  • Automatic radio insertion into the player's inventory.
  • Proper group names in the role selection screen.
  • Ticket based respawn systems.
  • Players informed who and what killed them.
  • One-life mission rejoin.
  • Automatic fireteam color assignments.
  • Deployment system that allows players to start in different designated areas of the map or teleport back to their team after a one-life mission rejoin.


  1. Download the repository.
  2. Copy all the files except "compositions" into your mission folder.
  3. Copy the folders inside the "compositions" folder into your profile's compositions folder.
  4. Place any of the compositions into the map.



The framework is mostly configured by changing the values in the fn_configure.sqf file inside the tcs folder. It is divided in multiple sections that make it easier which setting affects what. For more information about each section, which represents a module, please check the wiki page for that specific module.

Respawn templates

Respawn templates modify what happens when a player dies and respawns and are controlled by the Respawn template settings in the editor and the respawnTemplates setting in description.ext. One importhat thing is that the respawn templates only work when the mission has respawns enabled, they will not do anything otherwise. If you want to emulate their behaviour you will have to copy their code inside onPlayerRespawn.sqf and onPlayerKilled.sqf.

Note: When you open the description.ext file to change the respawn templates you'll notice that the "Tickets" options removes the Counter template. That is because the tickets template manipulates the respawn timer and it's not nice for the player to see that. So it is not recommended to use the Counter template with any of the "Tickets" templates.

The framework comes with 5 respawn templates that offer different behaviours when a player respawns, which are listed below:


The base respawn template for the framework, responsible for the radios module and the spectator screen on death.


Adds a ticket-based respawn system with a shared pool of tickets per side. When no tickets are available the player will not respawn until more tickets are awarded. Incompatible with the TCS_Individual_Tickets respawn template.
This respawn template NEEDS a respawn time greater than 0.


Adds a ticket-based respawn system with individual tickets for each person instead of a shared pool. Incompatible with the TCS_Tickets respawn template.
This respawn template NEEDS a respawn time greater than 0.


Teleports the player back to his group on respawn. The player will be teleported around 100 meters back of the center of his group. If none of his group are still alive he will be teleported back to where he died.


Does not respawn the player upon death. However in case of an unfair death (friendly fire, being glitched, etc) the player can rejoin the game and teleport back to their team.

Adding new groups into the mission

If you want to add any new groups to the mission, all that is needed for the framework to work is to call the function TCS_fnc_initGroup in the group's init field. This function takes 4 arguments:

  0 - (group) The group that should be initialized
  1 - (string) What kind of group this group is (One of the entries in TCS_var_xxxxGroupMarkers)
  2 - (string) The text that should appear on the map.
  3 - (string) The color that this group should have. (One of the arma colors)


[this, "Lead", "ASL", "ColorRed"] call TCS_fnc_initGroup;

Thihs will create a marker on the map that is a Lead element being ASL whose color will be red.

Default radio settings

The variable TCS_var_westRadios (which is copied to the other sides) contains a definition of which radios should a unit have. It is an array of arrays whose index 0 indicates which radios the leader of the group should have and index 1 contains a list of radios which all of the other units in the group should have.
The default settings say that all group leaders should contain a 343 and a 152 and all other members only a 343. You can change any of those values to any ACRE2 classname, you can also set the array empty to give no radios to the players.

Changing the amount of tickets

For each tickets respawn template there are 2 functions that can be called to set/add tickets, both of these functions MUST be called on the server, if you are not executing the code in the server, remoteExec or remoteExecCall the function.

For the default tickets template these are the functions:

  • TCS_fnc_addTickets
    Adds an amount of tickets to a side.
    • 0 - (side) Whose side you want to add tickets to.
    • 1 - (number) The amount of tickets you want to add. The number is rounded server-side.
  • TCS_fnc_setTickets
    Sets the amount of tickets of a side.
    • 0 - (side) Whose side you want to set the tickets of.
    • 1 - (number) The number of tickets that the given side should have. The number is rounded server-side.

For the individual tickets template, these are the functions:

  • TCS_fnc_addTicketsIndividual
    Adds an amount of tickets to a player.
    • 0 - (number) The ID of the player you want to add tickets to. 0 can be used to add tickets to everyone. You can also use negative numbers to add tickets to everyone but that player.
    • 1 - (number) The amount of tickets you want to add. The number is rounded server-side.
  • TCS_fnc_setTicketsIndividual
    Sets the amount of tickets of a player.
    • 0 - 0 - (number) The ID of the player you want to add tickets to. 0 can be used to add tickets to everyone. You can also use negative numbers to add tickets to everyone but that player.
    • 1 - (number) The number of tickets that the player should have. The number is rounded server-side.

Dress Up

The variable TCS_var_enableDressUp enables the Dress Up feature, which allows players to access an arsenal during safe-start to customize their loadout.

If enabled, you must configure what items are available to which roles. First, fill the arrays such as set_generic and set_rifleman which the items for their respective classes. You can add more arrays if needed. The easiest way to generate the array is to fill an ACE arsenal in the in-game editor and then hit the 'export' button, and paste that into the array.

Next you must fill the hashmap TCS_var_arsenalMap which matches the arrays with the player roles as seen on the slotting screen. Note that anything after "@" in the player role will be filtered, so if you add the entry ["Squad Leader", set_lead], then the SL of all four squads will have the items in set_lead available to them.