
Content for the book - Clojure Development with Spacemacs

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Clojure development with Spacemacs

GitHub version

Spacemacs Practicalli - interactive development with Clojure and Emacs, using CIDER

This is an introduction to developing Clojure applications using Emacs, specifically based on the Spacemacs configuration for Emacs and CIDER. The aim is to help you be productive with those tools as quickly as possible.

Spacemacs is a community-driven project that provides a simple way to add lots of extra functionality to Emacs, without having to manage packages yourself or spend time writing common configuration code.

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This workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Emacs basics, common commands and tools
  • Powerful editing and refactor tools (iedt, narrowing, helm-ag, multiple cursors, visual undo)
  • Adding and enhancing the Clojure layer
  • Running the REPL, evaluating code, inspecting data, debug, reloaded workflow
  • Running tests & test reports
  • Structural editing (smartparens/evil-cleverparens)
  • Clojure docs, auto-completion, snippets
  • Clojurescript development, figwheel-main and reagent
  • Org-mode for project documentation, literate programming & presentations

This is not a guide to customising Emacs for Clojure development, except were there are useful additions to be made to Spacemacs and the Clojure layer.


Issues and pull requests are most welcome. Please detail issues as much as you can. Pull requests are easier when they are specific to a page or at most a section. The smaller the change the quicker it is to review and merge.

practicalli/spacemacs.d GitHub repository contains the complete Spacemacs configuration used in this guide and issues and pull requests can also be made there.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ShareAlike License (including images & stylesheets).

Creative Commons License
Spacemacs, Practicalli by John Stevenson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at Spacemacs, Practicalli on Gitub.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at @practical_li.