Team Fortress 2 - Game Jolt

Welcome to the TF2 Community on Game Jolt! Wait This isnt Game Jolt erm

Welcome anyways!

This page is for me to tell you what the community is, and to tell you the mile stones we have had. About

The Team Fortress 2 Community was created by me, TheCrafters001, but I am not the only one that runs it. The moderators and I work hard to make the Team Fortress 2 Community a safe place for anyone! We are actively monitoring the community, and featuring posts! If you would like to join the Über-chain, come and visit us! Milestones

  • Community created October 3rd, 2019
  • 500 Members July 23, 2020
  • Community got verified on November 2nd, 2020
  • 1,000 Members! December 10th, 2020
  • Discord Server Opened! December 25th, 2020
  • 1,500 Members February 10th, 2021
  • 2,000 Members! February 15th, 2021
  • 2,500 Members February 15th, 2021
  • 3,000 Members! February 16th, 2021
  • 3,500 Members February 18th, 2021
  • 4,000 Members! February 21st, 2021
  • 4,500 Members March 3rd, 2021
  • 5,000 Members! March 15th, 2021
  • 5,500 Members April 6th, 2021
  • 6,000 Members! May 9th, 2021
  • 6,500 Members June ????, 2021
  • 7,000 Members! August 25th, 2021
  • 10,000 Members! March 31st, 2022
  • 14,000 Members! December 9th, 2022
  • 15,000 Members! Septemder 26th, 2023


Ban Evasion Is Not Permitted

If you are banned on one account in the community, and we find that you are evading the ban by using or creating an alternative account (“alt”), this will result in the alt being banned as well. All alts will stay banned, even if the primary account is unbanned.

Discrimination Is Not Permitted

Any discrimination of any kind to any person, group, community, religion, race, gender, etc. is not tolerated, no matter the format (Post, gif, video, image, etc.). Discrimination against other fandoms, such as Furries, bronies, etc., is also not tolerated. Everyone is welcome here. Breaking this rule will lead to a ban.

Do Not Harass Or Wish Harm Against Others

Sending threats of any form (Death threats, harassment, verbal abuse, threats of violence, etc.) are not allowed, nor tolerated in this community, and will lead to a ban.

Do Not Harass The Moderators

Please do not spam a moderator of any kind. This includes asking the moderator team to feature a post, asking to become a moderator, harassment (see rule above), and other types of message spam. This can be seen as annoying as we are humans too, and this can lead to a ban.

No Adult Content

Adult content of any kind is NOT permitted in this community. We want to keep it safe for all ages. Also, due to Game Jolt’s terms of service, Adult content is not allowed anywhere on Game Jolt, and as such you will be banned and reported.

No Sharing Personal Information

Please keep any and all personal information to yourself. This is because there are many people on the internet who can take advantage of your personal data. Posting another person’s or other people’s information is considered doxing, and is strictly forbidden. Your post will be ejected and reported, and you will be banned from the community, should you post any personal information about yourself or others.

Re-enacting Memes/TF2 Videos

As funny as it can be to re-enact memes or Team Fortress 2 videos, please keep re-enactments in the Memes channel (Labeled “Meems”). Do not worry if you accidentally post them outside of the meme channel, we will move it to memes for you. However spamming (see rule below) may result in a ban.

##No Spamming Posting the same post multiple times in one or multiple channels within a short amount of time is considered spam. It is annoying, not just for us moderators, but also for other users trying to access the community. Your posts will be ejected and you may end up with a ban.

Leaked Content

Please only post leaked content in the “Leaked Content Discussion” channel. DO NOT LINK TO ANY DOWNLOADS OR PUBLISH A DOWNLOAD. THIS WILL RESULT IN A BAN. Leaked content includes the leaked source code, and any maps, images, textures, models, etc.

Appealing A Ban

Sometimes bans are falsely given. It happens, we all make mistakes. We have an appeal process. Please visit this website to file an appeal.

Misc Rules

No Venting/Ranting About Personal Life

Please do not vent or rant about your personal life. This community is supposed to be a fun place dedicated to Team Fortress 2, and its surrounding community. We understand life can be difficult or hard, and we understand that these posts are meant to help you feel better. However, please talk to someone outside the community, such as a close friend, or family member. Your post will be ejected if it breaks this rule, sorry.

No Stealing Fan-art

Please do not download, and re-upload any fan-art, animations, or renders without proper permission of the original owner. Also keep in mind that the work of the author is their copyrighted work, unless otherwise stated. Please respect their copyright.

Keep Unrelated content to #Random

We understand that you want to post stuff and sharing interests, but please, keep any unrelated posts in the Random channel. You will be given warnings and temporary bans that will eventually end up leading to a permanent ban. This community is dedicated to Team Fortress 2, and we don’t want to be janitors.

Do Not Impersonate Other Users

Do not, under any circumstance, impersonate other users. Impersonation is taken very seriously. It does not matter if you are impersonating someone on Game Jolt, or from a different site. Parody accounts should be made clear. Any impersonators will lead to a ban, and you will be reported to Game Jolt staff. Identity theft is not a joke.

Need Support for the TF2 Server?

Visit here.

Looking to become a Moderator?

Closed. Thanks for your intrest!

Official Posts

Visit the official posts page here.

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