
An backend I used once

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents

Why I made this

I wanted something to communicate with my web projects like displaying the github repositories on my Projects site.

Usage of the API

Info: If there is an server error the server will return 500 Internal Server Error or 503 Service Unavailable if the route is not implemented but will be

Getting my Github repositories

Definition GET /api/github Response

  • 200 OK on success
      "name": "Chatroom",
      "gitlink": "https://github.com/TheCrether/Chatroom",
      "description": "A Chatroom that I am making with my friends",
      "url": ""
      "name": "express-backend",
      "gitlink": "https://github.com/TheCrether/express-backend",
      "description": "null",
      "url": "null"

Sending Contact Info/Message

Definition POST /api/contact Arguments

  • "name":string Name of the Person which is sending the message
  • "email":string Email so I can respond
  • "message":string The message you want to send me


  • 204 No Content on success
  • 400 Bad Request if the request has not got one of the above specified arguments

Saving a new structogram

POST /api/structograms Arguments

  • "name":string the name of the structogram
  • "content":string the content of the structogram


  • 200 OK on success and give back the structogram id
  • 400 Bad Request if the request is bad
  "id": 1

Get a structogram

GET /api/structograms/<id> Response

  • 200 OK on sucesss
  • 404 Not Found if there is no structogram with that id
  "ID": 1,
  "name": "1st",
  "content": "(a)variable=2"