
Have you ever though "Hmm, It may have a dualhook in it" Well here is the list of all famous stealer that have !

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Discord Stealer/Grabber Watchlist

This repository serves as a watchlist for GitHub repositories suspected of containing Discord stealers/grabbers that may include malicious code. Users should exercise extreme caution when interacting with any of the listed repositories.


The repositories listed here are based on community reports and investigations. While efforts are made to maintain accuracy and relevancy, we cannot guarantee the integrity of all information provided. Users are advised to independently verify the contents of repositories before engaging with them.

List of Suspected Repositories

  1. blx-stealer
    • Description: This repository claims to be a Discord token stealer disguised as a utility tool.
    • Reason : Countain an dualhook hidden using pyobfuscator obfuscation
    • Reported by: TheCuteOwl


To contribute to this watchlist, please submit a pull request with the following information:

  • GitHub repository URL
  • Brief description of the suspected malicious activity
  • Your GitHub username for attribution


This repository is provided for informational purposes only. The maintainers do not endorse or condone any illegal or malicious activities. Users are solely responsible for their actions and should use this information responsibly and ethically.