
Use OPENAI API to auto-fix the code in the whole code repository

Primary LanguagePython

  • Use OPENAI API to fix the code.


  1. set up the API in the enviroment
  2. run the main.py to make sure the code can pass all the test case.
  3. change the add function in func.py by adding 1 just like :
    • from : a + b
    • to : a + b + 1
  4. run the main.py, the program will find the bug and get correct answer via OPENAI API

the reuslt of autofix:

  • result : test sucess
  • change the add function form a+ b to a + b + 1
  • result : autofix yes


  1. use AST to analyse the code structure of the entire program
  2. auto fix the error from the test
  3. generate the docstring


  1. use AST to analyse the entire code repository, and display the code structure using a tree structure
  2. Process code via successively by using the topological ordering of the program