
Code Styles for Mautic + PHP-CS + PHPStorm

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Code Styles for Mautic + PHP-CS + PHPStorm

A coding style format for PHPStorm (Intellij) that:

  • Fits Symfony2 standards
  • Closely matches the PHP-CS requirements for Mautic (though not perfectly)
  • Follows implied styles that the Mautic community at large is following

Known Issues

  • Aligning PHPDoc variable comments is only accepted if all variables have comments, because PHPstorm indents minimally where PHP-CS indents to the maximum variable name regardless of comments.
  • Some equal sign indentations are ignored, because PHPStorm is aligning based on types, where PHP-CS indents all lines containing equal signs.
  • Yoda conditions are not supported.

So this doesn't mean you don't ever have to use PHP-CS if you are making PRs to core, but at least the code style of PHPStorm will not compete with PHP-CS so that you can get the best of both worlds. :)


  • Download the Mautic.xml file.
  • Install the Code Style under Preferences > Editor > Code Style > PHP > Scheme > Import Scheme > Intellij IDEA code style XML