This project is an analysis of dog ratings from WeRateDosg twitter archive with the aim to find patterns and trends between variables of interest.
BY: TheDataCode
Data was gathered via twitter API from the WeRateDogs Archives and converted into a dataframe
Combined with two other datasets':twitter-archive-enhanced.csv' and 'image_prediction.tsv' provided by Udacity.
Each dataset was transformed and merged into one master dataframe: twitter-archive-master.csv' which was used for analysis phase
Find documentation of the data wrangling process in the 'data_wrangling_report.ipynb' file
My analysis was focused on the types of Dog Stages: FLOOFER, PUPPER, PUPPO,DOGGO
Find a detailed analysis in the 'analysis_report.ipynb' file and summarised insights in the 'insights_report.ipynb' file
Python => 3.10.5
numpy =>1.23.1
pandas =>1.4.3
requests =>2.28.1
seaborn =>0.11.2
matplotlib =>3.5.2
Tweepy => 4.10.0