7zipPDK will allow you to write and compile external codecs and formats for 7zip soon™
- CreateObject
- CreateDecoder
- CreateEncoder
- GetNumberOfMethods
- GetNumberOfFormats
- GetMethodProperty
- GetHandlerProperty
- GetHandlerProperty2
- GetPluginProperty
- GetHashers
- GetIsArc
- SetLargePageMode
- SetCaseSensitive
- SetCodecs
Definition: HRESULT CreateObject(const GUID *clsid, const GUID *iid, [out] void **outObject)
Description: Used to create one of the following things: Coder, Hasher, Folder Manager, In/Out Archive Handler, Encoder (if CreateEncoder is not present), Decoder (if CreateDecoder is not present)
Name | Type | Description |
clsid | GUID * | Requested class |
iid | GUID * | Requested category |
outObject | void ** | Function result |
Definition: HRESULT CreateDecoder(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **outObject)
Description: TBD
Name | Type | Description |
index | UInt32 | Decoder id? |
iid | GUID * | idk |
outObject | void ** | Some memory |
Definition: HRESULT CreateEncoder(UInt32 index, const GUID *iid, void **outObject)
Description: TDB
Name | Type | Description |
index | UInt32 | Encoder id? |
iid | GUID * | idk |
outObject | void ** | Some memory |
Definition: HRESULT GetNumberOfMethods([out] UInt32 *numCodecs)
Description: Get number of supported codecs
Name | Type | Description |
numCodecs | unsigned int * | Number of codecs |
Definition: HRESULT GetNumberOfFormats([out] UInt32 *numFormats)
Description: Get number of supported formats
Name | Type | Description |
numFormats | unsigned int * | Number of formats |
Definition: HRESULT GetMethodProperty(UInt32 codecIndex, UInt64 propID, [out] PROPVARIANT *value)
Description: Get specific property of selected codec
Name | Type | Description |
codecIndex | unsigned int | Codec index |
propID | unsigned long long | Property ID |
value | PROPVARIANT * | Value of property |
Definition: HRESULT GetHandlerProperty(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
Description: TBD
Name | Type | Description |
propID | PROPID | idk |
value | PROPVARIANT * | Value |
Definition: HRESULT GetHandlerProperty2(UInt32 formatIndex, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
Description: TBD
Name | Type | Description |
formatIndex | UInt32 | Format Index |
propID | PROPID | Property ID |
value | PROPVARIANT * | Value |
Definition: HRESULT GetPluginProperty(UInt64 propID, [out] PROPVARIANT *value)
Description: Get specific plugin's property. Plugin should answer with its name, type, class id and options class id
Name | Type | Description |
propID | unsigned long long | Property ID |
value | PROPVARIANT * | Value of property |
Definition: HRESULT GetHashers(IHashers **hashers)
Description: TBD
Name | Type | Description |
hashers | IHashers ** | Hashers |
Definition: HRESULT GetIsArc(UInt32 formatIndex, Func_IsArc *isArc)
Description: TBD
Name | Type | Description |
formatIndex | UInt32 | Format Index |
isArc | Func_IsArc * | idk |
Definition: HRESULT SetLargePageMode()
Description: Enable Large-Page mode for this plugin
Parameters: NONE
Definition: HRESULT SetCaseSensitive(Int32 caseSensitive)
Description: Toggle case sensitivity for paths and filenames
Name | Type | Description |
caseSensitive | int | Is case sensitive (1 or 0) |
Definition: HRESULT SetCodecs(ICompressCodecsInfo *compressCodecsInfo)
Description: TBD
Name | Type | Description |
compressCodecsInfo | ICompressCodecsInfo * | idk |