Micro.blog Navigation List Plug-in

Creates a blog page that lists the blog's static pages and post categories. In other words, very basic site map.

The address of this page will be https://blogname/pages/

As an example, for my blog, the navigation list is at https://thedimpau.se/pages/

The plug-in 1.0.6 update gives the option to have the navigation list page link to be used wherever you choose!

Prior to plug-in version 1.0.6 a link to this list page was automatically added to the site's main navigation menu. This is no longer the case.

If you do want the link to appear in your site's main menu when the plug-in has been installed, create a new Micro.blog page with an appropriate title, make the contents of the page be the address


and make sure the Include this page in your blog navigation box is ticked.

I felt this change in the update is more flexible - the link to the navigation list can be named and positioned as desired!