
A library that allows you to easily integrate and manage fingerprint authentication in your app.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

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Fingerprint Authentication Helper

Finger print authentication helper is an android library to simplify the authentication with finger print process. This will provide a common platform for finger print authentication for all the android versions.


Authentication Demo


  • Add the dependencies to your app level build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    compile 'com.multidots:fingerprint-auth:1.0.1'


  • Inside your activity or fragment create FingerPrintAuthHelper instance and call startAuth() in the onResume() to enable finger print scanning.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mFingerPrintAuthHelper = FingerPrintAuthHelper.getHelper(this, this);
protected void onResume() {
    //start finger print authentication
  • Don't forget to disable the finger print scanner in onPause() of your activity/fragment.
protected void onPause() {

** Callbacks **

  • You need to implement FingerPrintAuthCallback in your activity/fragment to receive the callbacks from the helper class.
public void onNoFingerPrintHardwareFound() {
    //Device does not have finger print scanner.

public void onNoFingerPrintRegistered() {
    //There are no finger prints registered on this device.

public void onBelowMarshmallow() {
    //Device running below API 23 version of android that does not support finger print authentication.

public void onAuthSuccess(FingerprintManager.CryptoObject cryptoObject) {
    //Authentication sucessful.

public void onAuthFailed(int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
    switch (errorCode) {    //Parse the error code for recoverable/non recoverable error.
        case AuthErrorCodes.CANNOT_RECOGNIZE_ERROR:
            //Cannot recognize the fingerprint scanned.
        case AuthErrorCodes.NON_RECOVERABLE_ERROR:
            //This is not recoverable error. Try other options for user authentication. like pin, password.
        case AuthErrorCodes.RECOVERABLE_ERROR:
            //Any recoverable error. Display message to the user.

Demo application

Here is the link to the demo application.


  • If you have some problems with using this library or something doesn't work correctly, feel free to open an issue.

How to contribute?

Simple 3 step to contribute into this repo:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Make required changes and commit.
  3. Generate pull request. Mention all the required description regarding changes you made.