
Firmware compilation .config files

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi @TheFeralEngineer !

I'd like to compile my own Klipper firmware for my Neptune 3 Plus, however when I flash it, I can no longer communicate over USB, even though I have that config option on. Only your ZNP_ROBIN_NANO.bin file (for the USB version) posted here works for some reason. I think I have the config settings wrong (from make menuconfig). Not asking for support from you with that, but is it possible you could commit to this repo the .config files that you generated from make menuconfig to build both the UART and USB versions of the firmware?

For example, in the klipper source, after you save your menuconfig, a hidden .config file is created with those settings you selected from menuconfig:

staehle@machine ~/g/p/klipper $ ls -aF
./   config/  .git/     klippy/  out/      src/   .config      COPYING     Makefile
../  docs/    .github/  lib/     scripts/  test/  .config.old  .gitignore


Ohh okay, I had the communication interface selection wrong. I'll blame Klipper for the confusion there because that menu looks like:

(Top) → Communication interface
                                             Klipper Firmware Configuration
(X) USB (on PA11/PA12)
( ) Serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9)
( ) Serial (on USART1 PB7/PB6)
( ) Serial (on USART2 PA3/PA2)
( ) Serial (on USART2 PD6/PD5)

I had USB (on PA11/PA12) selected (because it says "USB" haha), but you're saying I actually want Serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9) to actually select USB.

And now I noticed that you wrote "Select (Serial (on # USART1 PA10/PA9) for the communication interface." and meant "USB" by that. Got it.

I'll compile again and try it! Thanks for the quick reply!

Hey sorry I forgot to provide an update. Changing it to PA10/PA9 was the solution! I compiled and flashed the binary, and it worked just fine! Thank you!