- alliter8Portland, OR
- avsteele
- bepplerCuritiba, Paraná, Brasil
- brucebentleyAEM Corporation
- coltondickKamloops, Canada
- desmondfernandoMax the Cat Studios Ltd.
- djkenneCanada
- donavanwilliamsWashington, DC
- esantonrodaSpain
- fcrespo82
- felipecrs@inatel @ericsson
- haohaolalahao
- JasonWei512China
- JCarnall
- JustJordanT@Basis-Theory
- KGrzeg@bitbetterclub, @merakiacoustic, @hs3
- livioavalleAlessandria, Piedmont, Italy
- luminus7SySLAB, CAU
- macguz
- malachi3keys
- nathanpovoICON
- NiiMiyoUFPB - Campus IV
- noelforteVimeo
- rolflobkerSomewhere over the rainbow
- SaltireSoulScotland
- sanchezfrancoChile
- shen-huang
- Stargamers
- SuperLangdonGensokyo
- thomasbntCreator of @mrrobotdotapp
- TwelvePChile
- tylerbutlerMicrosoft
- VMatricesMars
- WizX20
- wuooyunBeijing
- YasenMakioui