Manage chat easily!
PocketMine-MP plugin
PocketMine-MP 3.0.0-ALPHA7
xChat lets you manage chat in a better way. Mute players, clear chat and more!
Working with older versions of PocketMine-MP is not guaranteed
To prevent bugs delete old config file when updating plugin
- Mute/unmute players.
- Time mute players.
- Enable/disable chat.
- Clear chat.
- Block words.
/chat help [1/2] - Available commnds
/chat info - Informations about plugin
/chat reload - Reload config file
/chat clear - Clear chat
/chat enable - Enable chat
/chat disable - Disable chat
/chat mute [player] - Mute player
/chat timemute [player] [time] - Time mute player
/chat unmute [player] - Unmute player
/chat unmuteall - Unmute all muted players
/chat muted - Check list of muted players
/chat add [word] - Add word to list of banned words
/chat remove [word] - Remove word from list of banned words
/chat words - Check list of banned words
Command aliases: [c, xchat]
xchat.* - Allow to do everything - Allow to check informations about plugin - Allow to check plugin help page
xchat.reload - Allow to reload plugin configuration file
xchat.clear - Allow to clear chat
xchat.enable - Allow to enable chat
xchat.disable - Allow to disable chat
xchat.mute - Allow to mute specified player
xchat.timemute - Allow to time mute players
xchat.unmute - Allow to umnute specified player
xchat.unmuteall - Allow to ummute all players
xchat.muted - Allow to check list of muted players
xchat.add - Allow to add word to list of banned words
xchat.remove - Allow to remove word from list of banned words
xchat.words - Allow to check list of banned words
xchat.*- Allow to do everything
Eliminate bugs
Improve code
{PLAYER} - Show player nickname {TIME} - Show for how many minutes player has been muted
bad-words: Use "kick" to kick player after detecting of bad words or "message" to warn player with message. (Without quotes)
Config file:
version: 1.5
chat: enabled
bad-words: message
datetime-format: "Y/m/d H:i:s"
Language file:
# Configure your messages in this file! #
# Available variables: #
# - {PLAYER} - Display player nickname #
# - {TIME} - Display for how many minutes player has been muted #
# - {HOUR} - Display current hour #
# You can use colors by adding & before message. Example: &6hi! #
banned-word-message: "&cPlease do not use bad words!"
banned-word-kick: "/nYou are kicked!/n&cPlease do not use bad words!"
clear-broadcast: "&7Chat has been cleared by &e&l{PLAYER}"
clear-message-player: "&aYou have cleared the chat!"
enable-chat-message: "&aYou have enabled the chat!"
enable-chat-broadcast: "&7Chat has been enabled by &e&l{PLAYER}"
disable-chat-message: "&aYou have disabled the chat!"
disable-chat-broadcast: "&7Chat has been disabled by &e&l{PLAYER}"
chat-disabled: "&cChat is disabled!"
mute-message: "&e&l{PLAYER}&r&7 has been muted"
time-mute-message: "&e&l{PLAYER}&r&7 has been muted for &e&l{TIME}&r&7 minutes"
player-mute-message: "&7You have been muted by &e&l{PLAYER}"
player-time-mute: "&7You have been muted by &e&l{PLAYER}&r&7 for &e&l{TIME}&r&7 minutes"
unmute-message: "&e&l{PLAYER}&r&7 has been unmuted"
player-unmute-message: "&7You have been unmuted by &e&l{PLAYER}"
time-unmute-message: "&7Your mute has expired!"
unmute-all-message: "&7All players have been unmuted!"
player-muted: "&cYou can not use chat because you are muted!"
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to perform this command!"