
A C# implementation of a generic, flexible state machine with support for validating and handling state transitions, as well as custom entrance and exit actions for each state.


  • Generic implementation to support any state, event, and context types.
  • Extensible transition handling with custom actions.
  • Entrance and exit actions for each state.
  • Easy integration with dependency injection and extensibility through IServiceProvider.

Getting Started

  1. Install the required dependencies:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Transiflow;

2-Include the provided state machine and related interfaces in your project.

3-Create your state, event, and context classes that implement IState, IEvent, and IContext<TState, TStateTag> interfaces, respectively.

4-Implement the necessary ITransitionHandler<TContext, TState, TEvent, TNewState>, IStateEntranceHandler<TContext, TState>, and IStateExistHandler<TContext, TState> classes for your state machine.

5-Set up your state machine configuration

var services = new ServiceCollection();
ServiceCollection.AddScoped<ICodec<Context>, ContextCodec>
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

var stateMachine = new StateMachine<TState, TStateTag, TEvent, TEventTag, TContext>(serviceProvider)
.AddTransition<TCurrentState, TTriggerEvent, TNewState>(sourceStateTag, eventTag, (sp, ctx) => new TransitionHandler());

6-Create a service instance for your state machine:

var stateMachineService = stateMachine.CreateService(context);

7-Use the SendEvent method to trigger state transitions:

stateMachineService.SendEvent(new TEvent());

Custom Entrance and Exit Actions

TransiFlow supports executing custom entrance and exit actions for each state by implementing the IStateEntranceHandler<TContext, TState> and IStateExistHandler<TContext, TState> interfaces, respectively.


Implement this interface to define custom actions that should be executed when entering a specific state.

public class CustomStateEntranceHandler : IStateEntranceHandler<TContext, TState>
    public async Task HandleEntrance(TContext context, TState state)
        // Your custom entrance action logic here


Implement this interface to define custom actions that should be executed when exiting a specific state.

public class CustomStateExitHandler : IStateExitHandler<TContext, TState>
    public async Task HandleExit(TContext context, TState state)
        // Your custom exit action logic here

Register your custom entrance and exit handlers with the dependency injection container to ensure they are executed during the state transitions.

var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

    .AddSingleton<IStateExistHandler<TContext, TState>, CustomStateExitHandler>()
    .AddSingleton<IStateEntranceHandler<TContext, TState>, CustomStateEntranceHandler>();

var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();


Check the unit tests provided in the project for examples of setting up state machines and using them in various scenarios.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.