
Dummy Star Wars API for Modern IT Automation with PowerShell

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Dummy Star Wars API for Modern IT Automation with PowerShell

This repository comprises a static implementation of the Star Wars API (SWAPI) for use with the examples from the chapter The AAA Approach of Modern IT Automation with PowerShell, 1st edition.

There are six categories; films, people, planets, species, starships, and vehicles.

Visit the API.


Filename Description
StarWarsData.ps1 PowerShell script containing a wrapper for searching and returning Star Wars people, planets and films
StarWarsData.Simple.Tests.ps1 Contains simple Pester tests
StarWarsData.Mocked.Tests.ps1 The same tests as Simple, but with a mocked backend (in case the real backend is offline)
StarWarsData.Complex.Tests.ps1 Contains slightly more complex Pester tests


Please see the Extras repository.


The content of this repository is released under the MIT License. Please also attribute DevOps Collective, Inc., the publisher of the book.