
the repository stores some c/c++ libraries and simple examples

Primary LanguagePython

This folder stores some C/C++ libraries and simple examples.

  • sem.c: a simple semaphore using example.
  • popen.c: a simple popen using example.
  • myLocker: a multiple threads text encrypt tool. You can read its introduction for more details in its README.md
  • threadFinishBySem.c: a semphore multi-threads example which makes sure some threads finished order by it's ID (0,1,2,3,...,9)
  • pointerFun.cpp: a function pointer using example. It's very simple and easy to use.
  • arrayExpand.cpp: a simple example which showes how to expand an array. Its solution was gotten from C++ STL::vector
  • itoa.cpp: my custom itoa function. It convert long long data to char *
  • date_time.cpp: simple example that uses boost date type "date_time".
  • boostSignal: some cases shows how to use boost's signals.
  • boostBind: some cases shows how to use boost's bind.
  • runtime_error.cpp: test what would happen if we catch exception or not after throwing runtime_error("a = 0!").
  • stdPrinter.c: write() is C function without I/O buffer, we can use it and usleep to print more interestingly.
  • DbusTest: Dbus using example based on GDbus (GLib)
  • LambdaExpression: some cases of c plus plus lambda expresion.
  • CCallBack.c: this is a simple C call back function using example.
  • binary_function.cpp: use binary_function to write simple class to define self comparison function.
  • VTKLearn: the folder contains some basic cases that for us to learn VTK, some cases use qt.
  • MSVCLogprinter: the folder has example that provides logprinter to output log in file with MSVC.
  • CPPDisableCopy: an example that ban to copy class object.
  • ArchClip: an example that clip 3D model by plane based on VTK and Qt
  • OpenCTM: some examples which use OpenCTM library to compress 3D mesh
  • CheckFolderChange.cpp: use sha256 to check whether the files in folder are changed.
  • UpdateJson.cpp: Change all picture's pathes, change them from Setting Data1/photo to Photo path
  • AxisActor: show axis actor, three rings to rotate the cone.
  • This is test line 2.
  • ClipThreeRings: hide another half ring when rotate cone, this example is relevant to AxisActor
  • vtkFactory: a simple example which show how to define my own vtk factory and use it to create instance.