
A set of keywords for the Game Icons Font


A set of keywords for the Game Icons Font

The existing smaller set of keywords are from the Game Icons website, below. They function as rough categories on that site but are insufficient to handle searching well.

Pick an icon you like, populate its keywords and/or improve upon what’s there. For reference, icons can be browsed on https://game-icons.net/ or https://seiyria.com/gameicons-font/.

Order is alphabetical, but with gaming-related icons at the top, due to the game-related focus of the icon set (and due to the fact that I was annoyed at 3d-glasses always coming to the top!).

Keep it family-friendly, please.

    "id": "d4", // The identifier of the icon, used in the CSS classes. DON’T ALTER!
    "name": "d4 Polyhedral", // The display name of the icon. Avoid altering unless there are issues.
    "tags": "dice four" // the tags associated with the icon. DO alter to improve or add clarity, synonyms, general themes, etc.

Licensed under the same license as game-icons.net I guess (Creative Commons 3.0). There are like a dozen licenses to choose from on Github (none of which are that one) and I don’t know the differences.