Visual Depiction of World War 2, a Timeline

A webapp that organizes visual depictions of World War 2 by the events/dates they portray.

Laundry List

[x] Export Navbar assets
[x] Navbar styling
[x] Info panel assets
[x] Info panel styling
[x] Timeline assets
[x] Timeline events json
[x] Timeline events styling
[x] Thumbnail assets
[x] Month list styling (Still have initial positioning issue)
[x] Fill in the JSON blanks
[ ] Get Metacritic/Accuracy scores
[ ] Get info for more entries (Need at least 150-20; more Pacific Theater entries desired)

Running / Development

npm install
npm install -g broccoli-cli

# To run on http://localhost:4200
broccoli serve


BROCCOLI_ENV=production broccoli build dist