
This repository contains the last Creative-Commons-licensed version of the EmulationStation theme "Pixel" by Rookervik—with pixel art and full support for 14 additional consoles by The Gemsbok (and numerous minor improvements/standardizations).

Theme 'pixel' v1.9.3 - 11-09-2016 by Rookervik
[Theme 'pixel' unofficial v2.0 - 09-07-2018 by The Gemsbok]

Thanks to muriani for the super-sexy Sega CD logo!
Thanks to Omnija for helping me fix some code errors.
[Thanks to Evan Amos, whose public domain console photography was used as the only reference for all of The Gemsbok's pixel art additions to this theme.]


[- 09/07/2018: The Gemsbok: added own art of Color TV-Game, 3DS, Wii U, Switch, PS3, Vita, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Telstar, Odyssey, CD-i, and PC-FX; adjusted many system colors; adjusted positions of many theme elements; and standardized all console descriptions.]

- 11/09/2016: Added Stratagus, SuperGrafx, Oric, Channel F, Mega-CD, and BBC Micro.
- 10/26/2016: Added SNK MVS and PC Engine CD-ROM. Renamed pcecd to pce-cd and tg16 to tg-16.
- 10/25/2016: Added European/Japanese Super Nintendo.
- 09/01/2016: Added TI-99/4A.
- 08/22/2016: Added TRS-80.
- 05/29/2016: Added AGS, Steam, and Desktop systems.
- 04/03/2016: Added support for Pipplware.



ALLOWED:      	- Share and duplicate as it is

              		- Edit, alter, change it

REQUIREMENTS: 	- Attribution, give credit to the creator

              		- Indicate changes to it

              		- Publish the changes under the same license

PROHIBITED:   	- Commercial distribution


The used logos and trademarks are copyright of their respective owners.