
It's a Registration webpage. A web page that inserts user data into MySQL database using useful features of LARAVEL.

✅Client-side VALIDATIONs user inputs -> (All fields mandatory, email and birthdate and full_name are correct types, password if not least 8 characters with at least 1 number literal and 1 special character, etc...).

✅Server-side VALIDATIONs (User name if exist).

✅Upload the user image.

✅It checks actors born in the same day using a THIRD PARTY MDBI API “https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/online-movie-database/” which show the list with actor’s names born on the same day.

✅The form includes sending an automatic email when a new user is registered from admin to the System's EMAIL (ammodi9@gmial.com) supported with the message “A new user is registered to the system and title 'New registered use'. [USING MAILGUN THIRD PARTY]

✅Include one automated test function using Laravel testing.

✅Apply Laravel multi-language feature. That support two languages (English by defult and Arabic).

✅Languages and technologys used in the project (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, AJAX, Laravel framework).

✅The whole source code is written by ->Ahmed Hassan. ->Mazen Ahmed. ->Rana Osama.