
WoW laucher allow you to downgrade automaticly wow 4.3.4 to wow 4.0.6 and automaticly change realm to your private server realmlist

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


This launcher allow you to downgrade automaticly wow 4.3.4 to wow 4.1.0 or wow 4.0.6
automaticly change realmlist to your private realm you need to edit the source to change the realmlist you need to setup the auto-updater all info are in the source code


  1. Downgrader

When you click on play button the game are automaticly downgrade to wow 4.0.6 if your game client are frFR (Francais Europe) or automaticly downgrade to 4.1.0 if your game client have an other language like enUS or enGB

all downgrade to wow 4.1.0 can be reversed without official wow launcher downgrade to 4.0.6 need official launcher to full upgrade

  1. Automatique Updater

This application have an preconfigured auto-updater already include in source code you need to follow easy step to enable to your update server.

  1. Multilanguage Support

This application support all major language of wow client Language supported : frFR , EnUS , EnGB for frFR downgrade to 4.0.6 for enUS downgrade to 4.1.0 for enGB downgrade to 4.1.0

  1. Realmlist Changer

This application allow you to change realmlist quickly You can store 5 editable and 1 permanent realmlist and swap quickly

  1. Unpatcher

This application backup all your original file so you can patch your official WoW client and after that unpatch to original WoW I recommand to backup your WoW client also in case or error.