- Trailer : https://youtu.be/3sz7-zEtvOg
- Discord : https://discord.gg/csSWztn6z4
- Go to https://github.com/MegaPika/SatellaZone/releases
- Download the SatellaZone archive,
- Extract the .zip and simply drag & drop the romfs folder in SD:/luma/titles/TITLE-ID/
- You also need to "enable game patching" in the luma configuration menu (Press select + boot when console off).
- A tutorial can be found on the main page of SatellaZone by clicking the (?) button, here is the tutorial:
- Make a hotspot named "NintendoSpotPass1" (wihout "") using a phone or something else wihout password,
- Launch Nintendo zone, if it take a long time to try to load something (so official servers but it's down) then the hotspot worked,
- Ignore the error and you can now watch videos!
This archive means the videos are stored on SDcard, so you don't need to use a hotspot but it take many space on sdcard.
Here is the titleIDs:
EUR : 0004001000022B00
USA : 0004001000021B00
JPN : 0004001000020B00
Credits :
- MegaPika (Me) for working a lot lol
- Cooolgamer for A LOT OF THINGS
- Ghost64 for debug/credit pages + other things
- BostonSix for some images
- Sudocraft for the SatellaZone logo
- Braden Yes for retalking about reviving Nintendo Zone
- Envy for research about Nintendo Zone
- JeremKO for beta testing
- Spencer Everly for backing up Nintendo Zone pages when it was alive