
Full-stack web app to enable users to learn and develop trading skills by sharing their stock trading activities.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

System Requirements:

Python v3.7.3
Pip v19.0.3
Node.js v12.18.4


MacOS Instructions

  • Download tar.gz the desired release on Github into the working directory

  • Open bash terminal and navigate to working directory containing tar.gz

  • Enter the following commands into the terminal:

tar -xzvf StockNet-X.X.tar.gz

cd StockNet-X.X

python -m venv env

echo export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="./keys/key.json" >> env/bin/activate

source env/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

npm i

python ./app.py

  • Without closing the current bash terminal, open another tab/window in bash terminal

  • Verify that the current working direction is StockNet-X.X

  • Run the following:

npm start

Demo Link:
