
Site Repo for Guides.MartysMods.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Repository for Guides.MartysMods.com

Delve into the technical foundations of the site.

Core Technologies and Frameworks

  • Jekyll: A simple, blog-aware static site generator. Learn More

  • Just The Docs: A modern, customizable, and responsive documentation theme for Jekyll. Repository | Official Documentation

  • Markdown Extension - Kramdown: An extension that provides a mixture of standard Markdown syntax with some special features. Kramdown Reference

Setting Up Jekyll on Windows using RubyInstaller

  1. Dependencies: Download and install RubyInstaller (version 3.2.2-1 x64 recommended, with Devkit).

    • Execute ridk install from CMD as Administrator.

    • Opt for the MSYS2 and MINGW development tool chain.

    • Incorrect selection? Simply rerun ridk install and choose correctly.

  2. Environment: Open CMD/Terminal to allow PATH environment changes.

    • Verify path via path in CMD.

    • Standard path: PATH=C:\Ruby32-x64\bin;.

  3. Installation: Execute gem install jekyll bundler. This may take several minutes.

  4. Verification: Use jekyll -v to check the installation. Restart your machine if any errors arise.

Local Site Development

  1. Clone the GitHub repository.

  2. Navigate to the repository location via terminal/CMD.

  3. Run bundle install in CMD (Only needed once).

  4. To locally serve the site, execute bundle exec jekyll serve.

  5. Access the site at http://localhost:4000.

Markdown Customization

Just The Docs leverages Kramdown combined with traditional Markdown for enhanced documentation and guide creation.

Both the Kramdown reference and Just The Docs documentation offer comprehensive insights.

Contributing Guide

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.

  2. Work within the /docs/ directory of the :dev: branch.

  3. Once done, submit a pull request to the main :dev: branch.

Directory Overview

Root Pages:

  1. Home - Index

  2. Basic ReShade Guides

    1. Downloading and Installing ReShade

    2. Understanding and Using ReShade

    3. Best Practice Guides

  3. Advanced ReShade Guides

    1. ReShade Manual Installations

    2. Using ReShade with: (Various external programs that can be used with ReShade)

  4. Shader Repository Index

    1. iMMERSE and qUINT

    2. Under Development

  5. Special & Others

    1. Finding your Game Executable

    2. Enabling Windows File Extensions

    3. Setting Up User File Permissions

    4. Limiting Game Framerates

    5. Game Specific Guides

      1. FiveM

      2. RageMP

      3. GTAV

      4. Source Games