
A very basic vim plugin for the Encore programming language

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is a very basic vim plugin for the encore programming language.



Syntax Highlighting

This plugin provides syntax highlighting, some error checking and some fancypantsy unicode magic.

Error checking

The error checking can as of now only mark parse errors due to me not being any good fixing syntstic formatting expressions. Other errors still gets displayed in the location list but they are not located in the code.


Vimcore provides some basic but awesome macros!

  • <leader>ec Adds a comments out the current line in normal mode and the entire block in visual mode.
  • <leader>eC Removes comment. Works in the same way as <leader>ec
  • <leader>ed Creates a method definition template.
  • <leader>ei Creates an if-statement template.
  • <leader>eie Creates an if-then-else template.
  • <leader>er Creates a repeat template.
  • <leader>ef Creates a for each template.
  • <leader>em Creates a match template.

NOTE When you create a template <++> will appear in the template. These may look strange but they are super awesome. You jump to the next <++> and change it with <leader>- in normal mode and <c-_> in insert mode. They make the templates awesome :D

##Installation Just clone this repo into your .vim/bundles/ directory and it should be working. You need syntastic for the error checking to work.


If you use Vundle, just place a

Plugin 'TheGrandmother/vimcore'

in your .vimrc and run :PluginInstall.