Token Deployer : Skale Ecosystem

Dapp chain owners are required to deploy and map tokens from other skale chains in order to use the ima-bridge/metaport/s2s/ aka multichain-transfers

The TokenFactory smart contracts make it possible to deploy and map tokens from the chain owners MSW or deployer key within 1 transaction.


  • Add your Skale Chain network to the hardhat.config.ts file

The deployed contract TokenFactory must be granted the following roles.

  • REGISTRAR_ROLE : connectSchain()
  • TOKEN_REGISTRAR_ROLE : addERC20byOwner()

function call

For dapp chain owners that want to import tokens from another chain aka the EuropaHub, the user will insert elated-tan-skat into _fromChainName and the token wrapper address from that chain.

        string memory _name,
        string memory _symbol,
        uint8 _decimal,
        string memory _fromChainName,
        address _fromToken


cd token-deployer
npm install
npm run compile
npm run deploy -- --network <network>


npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts

This project uses the following Hardhat packages

  • branch OZ-3.1 : hardhat: ^2.17.0

Linting and autoformat

All of Hardhat projects use prettier and tslint.

  • npm run lint : check your code before any commits
  • npm run lint:fix : fix your code before submitting to repo


This project uses the following OpenZepplin packages depending on the branch

  • branch OZ-3.1 : uses the @openzeppelin/contracts: ^3.1.0
    • project source solidity 0.6.2
  • branch OZ-4.9 : uses the @openzeppelin/contracts: ^4.9.3
    • project source solidity 0.8.1


  • upgrade to solidiy 0.8.0 and latest OZ v4
  • contract verification