
ParticlePy contains code used to analyse data from a muon detector, and to attempt to detect muons using a PiCamera or by connecting to a pulse discriminator and PMT.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Project structure

There are two folders: detector is for code related to using the Raspberry Pi to detect muons, and analysis is for code related to analysing the data from muon detectors in the lab. Each folder uses a data subfolder to store data separately from the code. The data in analysis/data is tracked by Git.

Some code in the detector folder will not run unless your device is a Raspberry Pi with PiCamera.

Windows and Linux

Most instructions are for Windows - on Linux you will need to replace python and pip with python3 and pip3 but the general setup process should be simpler.

Preparing your system

You must install Python 3.5 or higher. Verify that python and pip are in the path by opening a terminal (on Windows, press Win+X followed by I where Win is the Windows key) and running python --version and pip freeze. If either command causes an error, add the Python installation folder and its Scripts subdirectory to the path and open a new terminal.

You will also need to install the required dependencies, by opening an administrator terminal (on Windows, press Win+X followed by A), and running the command pip install numpy scipy matplotlib imageio.

You are recommended to install VS Code as an editor, and you can then use the suggested Python extension in VS Code.

Downloading the code

The best way is to use Git, if you may wish to make changes to the code. You can download Git here for Windows.

After installing Git, open a new terminal in a desired folder (on Windows, hold shift while right-clicking when viewing the folder, then click "open Powershell window here") and run git clone https://github.com/TheGreatCabbage/ParticlePy.git.

Git will create a folder and download the code into it. You can then open VS Code in the folder by running code ParticlePy if the folder is named ParticlePy.

Running the code

To run some code, open a terminal in the same folder as the file. In VS Code, just click Terminal->New Terminal and then cd into the correct subdirectory - e.g. cd analysis. On Windows, you could also hold shift while right-clicking when viewing the folder, then click "open Powershell window here".)

Then you can run python file.py where file.py is the code you wish to execute. You could instead use the Code runner extension in VS Code while the correct file is opened.

If this causes an error, you may be in the wrong directory (in this case, use cd to change directories - e.g cd analysis to change from ParticlePy to ParticlePy/analysis).