
Discord Bot for the r/Democraciv community written in Python3.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Discord Python Version Build Status

General-purpose Discord Bot with unique features designed for the r/Democraciv Discord.

Provides useful information, political party & role management and much more.


Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all required dependencies.


  • Announcements to both our Discord and our subreddit for:
    • live streams on twitch.tv/democraciv
    • live streams on the Democraciv YouTube channel
    • new video uploads from the Democraciv YouTube channel
    • new posts on reddit.com/r/democraciv (only to Discord obviously)
  • Helps the Speaker of the Legislature with legislative sessions and submissions (bills & motions)
  • Supports the Executive with vetoes by keeping them up-to-date with passed bills from the Legislature
  • Keeps track of all legislative sessions, bills, motions, ministry vetoes and laws
  • Generates the voting form as a Google Form for legislative sessions
  • Generates an up-to-date Legal Code based on the active laws as a Google Docs document
  • Users can search for active laws by their name or by automatically generated tags
  • Join and leave political parties and see their members and ranking
  • Tags: Users can save text and images for later retrieval to command-like tags
  • Starboard: A starboard on Discord and weekly posts to r/Democraciv with last week's starboard as a sort of "summary" of newsworthy Discord messages to our subreddit
  • Smart Wikipedia and Sid Meier's Civilization Wikia queries
  • Welcome messages & default roles
  • Selfroles (self-assignable roles)
  • Detailed help command with examples of command usage
  • Gets the current time in over 400 timezones
  • Moderation commands
  • Alt detection
  • Event logging


As some features are implemented in a way to fit the very specific needs and use cases of the Democraciv Discord, it is not recommended to run the bot yourself as you might run into unexpected errors. Instead, invite the bot to your server with this link.

After installing all the dependencies, create a token.py in the config folder.

The file should look like this:

# Token
TOKEN = ""

# Reddit

# Twitch Config

# PostgreSQL config

Add the token of your Discord App, your Twitch Helix API authorization if you enabled the Twitch module, your API key for the YouTube Data v3 API if you enabled YouTube notifications, your TimeZoneDB API Key, and your PostgreSQL configuration like above.

Once token.py is set up, take a look at config.py in the same folder and adjust everything to your needs.

After you've done all that, run bot.py.


This bot needs a PostgreSQL database to run. To install and configure PostgreSQL, head here. The bot was tested with PostgreSQL 9.6, 11.5 and 12.1, everything in between should work.

You only need to create an empty database, the bot will then fill that with tables on startup.


If you want to use the Twitch announcements feature, you have to create an app here. Then, copy its Client ID and the Client Secret and add it to the token.py in the config folder. It's strongly recommended to also obtain an OAuth app access token and add it to token.py too. While the bot will obtain the app access token itself (if not provided) via the Client ID and Client Secret, the token will not persist bot restarts, resulting in useless API requests to the Twitch API for a new token.

App Access Tokens expire after around 58 days. If that happens, the bot will obtain a new one and notify you to replace that new token in token.py.

You can configure everything else that is Twitch related in config.py.


Notifications for new posts from a subreddit are enabled by default, but can be disabled in the config.py. Unlike the Twitch Notification module, we don't need to register an API key for Reddit.

If you want to make the bot post the weekly Starboard to a subreddit, you do have to provide the client ID, client secret and a refresh token (not application token!) of your reddit app. Follow this guide on how to get these. Make sure your refresh token has the submit scope.

You can configure everything else that is Reddit related in config.py.


Notifications for new video uploads and livestreams from a YouTube channel are enabled by default, but can be disabled in the config.py. You'll need an API key for the YouTube Data v3 API from Google. This has more information on how to get one.

You can configure everything else that is YouTube related in config.py.

Google Cloud Platform

The Bot uses the Google Apps Script API to remotely execute the Apps Script that generates the voting form as a Google Form for legislative sessions. You need to create a Google Cloud Platform project and then create OAuth credentials for that project. Download the credentials as JSON from your Google Cloud Platform Console and put that file to the filepath that is specified as GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM_CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE in config.py. The file in GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM_CLIENT_OAUTH_CREDENTIALS_FILE will be created by the bot itself. The first time this is run, it will open your web browser to create OAuth Access Tokens based on your Google Account.

The Apps Script must be in the same Google Cloud Platform project as the OAuth credentials for the caller.

This setup is a bit more complex than the other APIs. Follow these guides:


You can add and remove modules by adding or removing them from initial_extensions in bot.py.

Module Description
module.admin Debug commands for the developer
module.misc Miscellaneous commands
module.meta Commands regarding the bot itself
module.tags Tags: Users can save text for later retrieval to command-like tags
module.guild Configure various functions of this bot for your guild
module.roles Add or remove roles from you
module.starboard A Starboard for the Democraciv guild. If a message receives at least 4 reactions, it will be added to the Starboard.
module.time Get the current time in a number of different timezones
module.wiki Search for a topic on Wikipedia and the Sid Meier's Civilization Fandom wiki
module.democraciv.legislature Helps the Speaker of the Legislature with keeping track of submitted bills, motions and legislative sessions in general
module.democraciv.ministry Helps the Prime Minister with keeping track of passed bills that need to be voted on (vetoed)
module.democraciv.supremecourt Collection of links for Supreme Court Justices
module.democraciv.laws Lists all laws passed by the Legislature & Ministry and allows to search for laws by automatically generated tags
module.democraciv.elections Calculate results for STV elections
module.democraciv.parties Join and leave political parties
module.democraciv.moderation Tools for the Moderation Team of Democraciv
event.logging Logs events (member joins/leaves, message deleted/edited etc.) to a specified channel
event.error_handler Handles internal errors
event.reddit Handles notifications when there's a new post on r/democraciv
event.twitch Handles notifications when twitch.tv/democraciv is live
event.youtube Handles notifications when a new video or livestream on the Democraciv YouTube channel was uploaded or started


Update 0.13.0 - The Performance & Stability Update

  • Refactor client.py
  • Rewrite event modules
  • Introduce custom exceptions
  • Introduce utils to save time & code
  • Replace blocking libraries (praw, wikipedia) with aiohttp API calls

Update 0.14.0 - The SQL Update ✅

  • Add a PostgreSQL database
  • Migrate guilds.json, parties.json and last_reddit_post.json to new database
  • Make roles case-insensitive
  • Rewrite -addparty, -addrole, -deleteparty, -deleterole, -addalias, -deletealias to be safer and cover all needed values for database
  • Refactor asyncio.wait_for() tasks in guild.py
  • Refactor help.py (Update 0.14.2)

Update 0.15.0 - The Government Update

  • Add STV calculation
  • Add Legislature dashboard
  • Add Ministry dashboard
  • Introduce system to keep track of legislative sessions, ministry vetoes and active laws
  • Rewrite the time.py module

Update 0.16.0 - The Moderation Update

  • Add a Moderation module with -kick, -ban etc. commands
  • Add anonymous report feature
  • Add multiple event notifications for #moderation-notifications
  • Add alt detection

Update 0.17.0 - The Suggestions Update

  • Starboard-like system for the #press channel with weekly summaries to Reddit
  • Add motion support to -legislature withdraw
  • Add utility mod commands to support the process between MKs
  • Allow Speaker and Ministry to pass multiple bills in a single command
  • Add -mergeparties command
  • Wait a certain amount of time for multiple consecutive -legislature pass to bundle messages in #gov-announcements
  • Refactor & cleanup for 1.0 release

Democraciv Discord Server

Join the Democraciv Discord Server to see the bot in action.

Contact @DerJonas#8036 on Discord if you have any questions left.