
An annotation tool for location aware multi-camera person tracking datasets.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


contributions welcome Build Status

Created by Jerry Fan as part of the research topic of "A Computationally Efficient Pipeline for Camera-based Indoor Person Tracking". Property of The University of Auckland. Licenced under the Artistic Licence 2.0.

Submit an issue or pull request for bugfixes. Fork for feature additions.

If you use this tool as part of your research, please cite:

A. T-Y. Chen, J. Fan, M. Biglari-Abhari, K. I-K. Wang, "A Computationally Efficient Pipeline for Camera-based Indoor Person Tracking", Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), 2017.

Runtime Dependencies

As this tool relies on the Camera-Tool utility included, the following libraries are required in linux if you are running the default build.

libhdf5 libbz2 libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libImath libIlmImf libIex libHalf libIlmThread libgtk-3 libgdk-3 libpangocairo-1.0 libpango-1.0 libatk-1.0 libcairo-gobject libcairo libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 libgio-2.0 libgobject-2.0 libglib-2.0 libgthread-2.0 libglib-2.0 libgthread-2.0 libdc1394 libxine libv4l1 libv4l2 libavcodec libavformat libavutil libswscale libavresample libtbb

If an opencv package exists for your distribution, that may be installed to provide these dependencies.


The Annotation-Tool is made for the annotation of a location aware person tracking dataset for multi-camera person tracking. It is intended to produce JSON annotations containing ground truth data for each frame in videos from the dataset. Annotation types are bounding boxes and location markers for image-space and real-world, along with options for the obscured flag and zones.

Application Platform

The application is built on top of the Node.js platform, making it easily extensible with a wide range of npm packages. The core of the application is built with AngularJS, a component model based UI framework and Typescript. The webpack build system is used to transpile the code to standard (ES5) Javascript for greater compatiblity. Electron is used to package the application and provide access to the host system's native APIs.


With this tool comes six utilities that can be used as standalone tools to help with various annotation tasks. These can be found in the utils folder if you download the source code package.

  • Camera-Tool
  • Capture-Tool
  • Folder-Mediainfo
  • Intersect-Over-Union
  • Linter-UoA-Annotation
  • Visualise-Location


Grab the latest release for your system from Releases.

After installing the package, open the Annotation-Tool from the install directory.

Pop-up warnings and errors are not available, so please refer to the below section for instructions. Errors are viewable on the Electron console however, which may give more insight into issue.

Note: The filename convention for input files is strictly SX_Name_XXX_CX, where X is an integer and 'Name' is a string.

Using the Sample Material

Sample materials are available from Releases.

The calibration files were created using the calibration sequences available in the dataset. A video set is provided for lens calibration, whilst an image set is provided for perspective calibration. Points that were used for the pre-existing calibration (markup) files are stored in a text file in the calibration folder.

Eight videos with accompanying annotations are provided. These were compressed for easier transfer.

To create your own calibration files, follow the intructions in the readme in the sample archive set.


General Instructions

Some annotation steps may be specific to annotate the UoA dataset.

  1. To start annotations, open the application and select the annotation option.
  2. On the next screen, either create the project directory if it is a new annotation, or load an existing project directory.
  3. Workspace will be created (frames extracted) / loaded into the application.
  4. Supply the calibration control panel with the calibration files by using the file selection input on the right side of the frame-canvas.
  5. Supply the image origin by clicking on the "Select Origin" button and clicking on the wall corner.
  6. Proceed to the annotations tab on the control panel.
  7. Annotate frames using the annotation controls, drawing bounding boxes and placing location markers. Real-world location will be automatically generated from image-space locations if the location tool is used.
  8. Proceed to the next frame with the right arrow or 'x' key. Current annotations are set to automatically be copied on to the next frame (this can be changed from the settings tab).
  9. Use the save button on the top right of the annotation workspace when done.

Bounding Box Interpolation

To use this feature, add a bounding box to the current frame, and with the copy box setting enabled, advance the frame one by one until the next keyframe, and position the box. Afterwards, click the INTERPOLATE button. The frames between the current frame and the last keyframe will have their boxes adjusted automatically.

Infer Real Location

This feature automatically triggers whenever the location marker tool is used provided that the calibration files are specified. However, if you manually enter in the image-space coordinates, then you must use the AUTOCOORDINATE button.

Tips for Workflow

  • Annotate ONLY the bounding box or location for ONE person at a time, going back to annotate the next element.
  • Use the automatic bounding box interpolation every few frames, a rule of thumb is every 3 to 5 frames depending on the action sequence.
  • Avoid automatic interpolation when the target is constantly going in and out of view.
  • Use the location mode when annotating locations, as it allows rapid fire clicking of locations with auto frame advancement.


Copy Boxes

Copies the bounding boxes from the current frame to the next if advancing by one frame at a time.

Copy Location

Copies the location points from the current frame to the next if advancing by one frame at a time.

Annotation Mode

Use either the mixed annotation mode or the location mode depending on the current annotation task. Location mode is optimised for quickly dropping location markers.


Mode Selection

c - Mixed annotation mode
v - Location annotation mode 

Tool Selection

e - Pointer
r - Box
t - Location

Frame Navigation

z - Previous frame
x - Next frame

Semi-Auto Annotation

d - Interpolate bounding boxes
f - Automatically infer real location

Utilities GUI Interface

Currently unavailable (See #TODO).


Make sure you have the Camera-Tool dependencies installed and in your PATH. For more information on development with the Camera-Tool, a readme is available at utils/camera-tool/README.md.

Make sure you have Node.js installed and in your PATH.

Clone the git repository and run npm install inside the directory. Node development tools will be automatically installed.

Building on Windows

Builds on Windows are a pain to setup. There are a few pain points in this package.

MSVC and Python

For the least amount of trouble with node-gyp, ensure you have MSVC Build Tools 2015 installed and Python 2.7. Then, run the following commands:

npm config set python python2.7 --global
npm config set msvs_version 2015 --global


This package has some specific requirements for its build depedencies, make sure you read its wiki.


These binaries can be obtained prebuilt from OpenCV Releases


  • Node.js ^12.4.0
  • Camera-Tool
    • CMake ^3.1
    • C++ compiler with C++11 support
    • OpenCV ^3.1

NPM Scripts

A few npm scripts are provided for ease of use.

# Installs all dependencies and runs postinstall builds
npm install

# Runs cmake-js
npm run cmake

# Builds with webpack
npm build

# Builds with webpack in watch mode
npm build:watch

# Packages with electron-packager for Win32
npm run package:win32

# Packages with electron-packager for Linux
npm run package:linux

# Runs electron
npm start

Build System

Webpack 1 is the current build tool in use. Its configuration can be found in webpack.config.js. Source files used for Webpack build are located in src/.

Typescript and AngularJS 2 are used for application components/modules.

For more information on AngularJS with Typescript, see AngularJS 2 Typescript.

Main Application

Electron runs two processes when started, the main process and the renderer process. All Electron windows run in the renderer process, and are created from the main process.

# Main Process Code

# Renderer Code

The application is split into modules, each with one or more components. Bootstrapping AngularJS is done in the renderer code file, along with initialising the loading screen.

Application Modules


Located in src/app/.

This module glues the other application modules together, along with initialising the router for navigation.


Located in src/app/annotator/.

Contains the FrameCanvas component and module along with ControlPanel components.

This module basically contains all the visual controls for the annotator workspace. This involves functions such as the keyboard shortcuts, and bindings to the annotation that gets loaded into the app.


Located in src/app/hub-start/.

Presents options to choose either to do annotations or to use the utilities included in the package.


Located in src/app/hub-workspace/.

Presents options to choose either to create an annotation workspace or to load it from an existing workspace.


Located in src/app/shared/.

Contains shared components such as non-angular classes, material components, Angular Services.

Of note is the workspace service, which contains much of the application state for the annotation workspace.


  • Optimise memory use of FrameCanvasComponent (i.e. don't load all images into memory at once).
  • Add error or info messages to alert users. This can be done using the material framework currently installed
  • Enable the use of StatusComponent to notify user that the app is busy with something async
  • Create components for each of the material inputs, or switch to a different Angular 2 based material package
  • Let the StatusComponent control the loading screen based on blocking status
  • Make the room size information part of the calibration information, rather than being hard coded in the application
  • Upgrade build tool to Webpack 2
  • Refactor the frame box and location copy function to not trigger on frame navigator change (currently copies data if frame is advanced by one using the navigator)
  • Refactor the frame-canvas component if possible into smaller components.
  • Automate builds further using Node ENV to set AngularJS 2 production mode during buildtime
  • Create alternative build for sever-client environment using AngularJS Universal
  • Fix the node bindings for the Camera-Tool so that it can be better integrated into the application
  • Create interface for the utilities in ./utils using TerminalJS and enable the disabled option in HubStartComponent