
Amadeus Case: Manage flights and airports effortlessly. Search flights, secure with API keys, and fetch data from a custom mock repository.

Primary LanguageJava

# Spring Boot Flight Search API

## Requirements

For building and running the application you need:

- JDK 11 or higher
- Spring Boot 2.5.0 or higher
- Maven 3.6.0 or higher
- MongoDB (A NoSQL database for storing flight and airport data)

## Running the Application Locally

To run the application locally, you can execute the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run

Alternatively, you can execute the main method in the com.ali.flightsearch.FlightSearchApplication class from your IDE.

Flight Model

The flight data is represented by the Flight model, which includes the following attributes:

  • id: Flight's unique identifier
  • departureAirport: Departure airport code
  • arrivalAirport: Arrival airport code
  • departureDate: Departure date and time
  • returnDate: Return date and time
  • price: Flight price

Airport Model

The airport data is represented by the Airport model, which includes the following attributes:

  • id: Airport's unique identifier
  • city: City name

Flight Search

To search for flights, you can use the /search endpoint:

HTTP Method URL Description
POST /search/flights Search for flights based on criteria

Scheduled Data Fetching

This application includes a scheduled job that fetches flight data from your custom mock data repository deployed on OnRender. The FlightDataScheduler class fetches the data using the FlightDataFetcher class and adds it to the repository using the FlightService. You can configure the interval by adjusting the fixedRate parameter in the @Scheduled annotation.

For the mock data, I made this Mock Data API with Node.js

Security Feature: API Key Access

This API includes a security feature that requires clients to provide an API key to access the endpoints. Without a valid API key, requests will be denied. Here's how it works:

  1. The API key is generated when the application starts.
  2. Requests must include the API key in the Amadeus-API-Key header for authentication.

API Usage

  1. Start the application using the instructions provided above.

  2. Utilize a tool like Postman to interact with the API endpoints. Below are the available endpoints and their respective methods:


    • POST /flights: Add a new flight.
    • GET /flights: Retrieve a list of flights.
    • GET /flights/{flight_id}: Get details of a specific flight.
    • PUT /flights/{flight_id}: Update information about a flight.
    • DELETE /flights/{flight_id}: Delete a flight.


    • POST /airports: Add a new airport.
    • GET /airports: Retrieve a list of airports.
    • GET /airports/{airport_id}: Get details of a specific airport.
    • PUT /airports/{airport_id}: Update information about an airport.
    • DELETE /airports/{airport_id}: Delete an airport.

    Search Flights:

    • POST /search/flights: Search for flights based on specified criteria.

For detailed information about the API endpoints, request and response formats, you can access the API documentation on SwaggerHub.


  • Make sure to configure your MongoDB connection details in the application.properties file.