
OpenID, OAuth 2.0, SCIM2.0, UMA2.0, FAPI, CIBA & OPENBANKING Framework for ASP.NET Core

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Simpleidserver core

Build status MyGet (dev) Documentation Status Download android application

SimpleIdServer is an open source framework enabling the support of OPENID, OAUTH2.0, SCIM2.0, UMA2.0, FAPI and CIBA. It streamlines development, configuration and deployment of custom access control servers. Thanks to its modularity and extensibility, SimpleIdServer can be customized to the specific needs of your organization for authentication, authorization and more.

For project documentation, please visit readthedocs.


SimpleIdServer.OpenID MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.OpenID.Bootstrap4 MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.UI.Authenticate.LoginPassword.Bootstrap4 MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.OAuth MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.Scim MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.Scim.Persistence.EF MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.Scim.Persistence.MongoDB MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.Scim.SqlServer MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.Scim.Swashbuckle MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.Uma.Bootstrap4 MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.OpenBankingApi MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet
SimpleIdServer.OpenBankingApi.Domains MyGet (dev) NuGet NuGet


SimpleIdServer implements the following OPENID conformance profiles :

OpenID provider

Profile Test plans
Basic OP Link
Implicit OP Link
Hybrid OP Link
Config OP Link
Dynamic OP Link
Form POST OP Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
3rd Party-Init OP Link

OpenID provider for logout profile

Profile Test plans
RP-Initiated OP Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5, Link 6
Session OP Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5, Link 6
Front-Channel OP Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5, Link 6
Back-Channel OP Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5, Link 6

FAPI OpenID Providers

Profile Test plans
FAPI R/W OPw/ Private Key Link

Financial-grade API Client Initiated Backchannel Authentification Profile (FAPI-CIBA) OpenID Providers

Profile Test plans
FAPI-CIBA OP poll w/ MTLS Link
FAPI-CIBA poll w/ Private Key Link
FAPI-CIBA OP Ping w/ Private Key Link

Mobile application

A mobile application is available, it is used to confirm or reject consents received from external Relying parties.

Mobile application


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Live demo

Live demo : http://simpleidserver.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/simpleidserver.

Administrator credentials :

Property Value
login administrator
value password