
Angular.js bindings for Hightcharts / Highstock

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular.js Highcharts / Highstock

Angular.js bindings for Hightcharts / Highstock


Heads up: Due to the similarities in Highcharts and Highstock this library works with both, but it is your task to make sure you have included all requirements for the library you want to use. (E.g.: if you load the the Highchart library the Highstock diretives will be available and execute but fail.)
This rule also applies to various settings and function that may differ between the two libraries. (E.g.: Highcharts.setOptions takes different parameters depending on which library is loaded, so does HighchartsGlobalConfig.)

Global configuration

app.config(['HighchartsGlobalConfigProvider', function(highchartsGlobalConfigProvider) {
      useUTC: true
      decimalPoint: ','

Note: If you have two Angular.js apps on a single page both of their Highcarts configurations will be merged.

Simple chart Example


<div chart type="{{type}}" title="{{title}}" style="width:100%; height: 400px;" active="chartReady">
		<li ng-repeat="serie in series" serie name="serie.name" data="serie.data"></li>
	<div axis-y title="Fruit eaten"></div>
	<div axis-x config="xconfig"></div>


$scope.type = "bar";

$scope.title = "Charttitle";

$scope.chartReady = false;

$http.get('data.json').success(function(data) {
  $scope.series = data;
  $scope.chartReady = true;

$scope.xconfig = {
  categories: ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Oranges']

Note: If data if not available during the directives linking process you need to provide and active attribute, which will trigger the render process after all data is loaded.


  • support all Highchart / Highstock options
  • support for dynamic data changes