The Hotspot Social Nightlife App Coming soon to a city near you... Django v1.6 Python v2.7 django-allauth south responsive mobile site git: gadd: git add $argv apus: git push origin master --force gpus: git push origin master com: git commit -m "$argv" acom: git commit -a -m "$argv; apus" gs: git status gl: git log bash: t: tree -C --dirsontop $argv l: ls -la $argv bash status loop: while :; do clear; tree -C -t --dirsfirst; git status; python hotspot/ validate| pygmentize -l python ; sleep 5; done django: ./ python status monitor with growl notifications on buildfail manage: python $argv sdb: manage syncdb; manage migrate runs: manage runserver val: manage validate startapp: startapp $argv modified fish_title
A full django app that demonstrates yelp-like location listings, search, and management